Vote Now for Best of Fort Lauderdale
Sweet Aloha Ice Cream takes great pride in providing exemplary service and premium quality ice cream and authentic Hawaiian shave ice while spreading the aloha spirit across South Florida. Now is your chance to highlight some of your favorite experiences with us. Cast your vote in Fort Lauderdale Magazine's The Best of Fort Lauderdale 2024 Reader's Choice Awards to help us get listed and secure the top spot in these categories:
Food & Drink
Best Caterer?
Best Cheap Eats?
Best Family-Friendly Restaurant?
Best Dessert?
Best Ice Cream?
Best Date Night?
Most Unique Night Out?
Click the link to vote, then scroll down and fill in Sweet Aloha Ice Cream for each category. Once complete, scroll to the bottom of the page to click “Submit My Votes!” (limited to one vote only).
Voting is open until March 31, 2023. Mahalo nui loa for your support!